sustainable travel, make it neutral

create Climate Positivity

Tourism, especially flying, is the single biggest contributor to our personal carbon footprints. This is also one of the main reasons why at MonMon Travel we don’t include any flights to our trip packages.  Of course flying isn’t the only cause for carbon emissions and at MonMon Travel we realise that everything we do during our trips has some impact – transport, lodging, shopping and various activities all contribute to tourism’s carbon footprint. 

As a travel company, we understand that it’s our responsibility to protect and sustain the environment we use and enjoy. To lower or trips’ carbon footprint, we make sure to use public transport as much as possible, stay at locally owned and operated accommodations, eat at local restaurants where they use seasonal food as much as possible and of course support local communities.

We’re always looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint and that’s why we joined Makeitneutral. They help us be forest-positive by giving us the opportunity to offer our services more carbon-neutral, while supporting local forestation. For each traveller, one tree will be planted. 

sustainable-travel-monmon, planting trees
Forest positive, makeitneutral, planting trees

Makeitneutral is a cleantech startup company based in Estonia. They are developing and building the digital toolkit so that everyone, anywhere, can more simply and easily integrate climate action into everyday life. 

MonMon Travel:

  • Has enrolled in the makeitneutral sustainability program
  • Is actively reducing it’s carbon footprint and enables it’s customers to do the same by making products or services more
    climate neutral
  • Is actively compensating for the unavoidable GHG emissions
    from daily business activities

What does it mean to you? 

Each trip offers our travellers an authentic and sustainable experience. You don’t have to worry about additional fees for carbon offsetting, as this will be taken care of by us. For each traveller who books a trip with us, we donate a tree. If you’d like to learn more about what you can do, to make your trips more sustainable and regenerative, read our Regenerative travel: What, why, and how? blog post.